How to Celebrate Juneteenth with Your Adoptive Family

Juneteenth is a great day to start showing your support to the African Americans in your home, community, and adoption community.  Below are some great resources to help you get started on how you can increase your understanding of the importance of Juneteenth and how you can be an ally as we continue working together for a more hopeful future. 


5 Tips on Talking with Children About Juneteenth and Beyond: 

  1. It is essential before any talk to check your own biases related to the topic. Don’t transfer negative personal experiences onto a child, stick with the facts.
  2. When talking with children about tough topics using metaphors or current-day examples can help them form relatable associations.
  3. Meet the child where they are, meaning your lesson should always be age-appropriate. Use words the child can understand and don’t overwhelm them.
  4. Don’t be afraid to say, “I don’t know!” Be open to search for information or watch new videos with the child.
  5. Always aim to leave the child feeling educated and empowered. Whenever possible, avoid leaving a child scared or confused.

Ways to Celebrate Juneteenth:

Read books by African American authors.

See below for Barker's recommendations and find a full list from Penguin Random House here.

Watch TV Shows and Movies with lead African American characters.

Akeelah and the Bee, Poetic Justice, Miss Juneteenth, Hidden Figures, Black Panther, and Dream Girls, to name a few.

Cook some traditional African American meals, also known as soul food.

Find some recipes you and your family can do together here.

Listen to African American music and have a dance party!

Find artists ranging from jazz, rhythm, and blues to hip hop. Learn more about black artists' contributions to American music, which ultimately influenced music globally. 

Visit Some African American historical places in your local area or virtually.

There are many virtual events through the National Museum of African American History and Culture. View them here.

Great Books to Begin Reflecting:

For Adults

Four Hundred Souls by Ibram X. Kendi and Keisha N. Blain

Stamped by Jason Reynolds and Ibram Kendi  (Also appropriate for many High School Youth)


The Story of Juneteenth: An Interactive History Adventure by Steven Otfinoski

Juneteenth: A Celebration of Freedom by Charles Taylor

Juneteenth for Mazzie by Floyd Cooper

High School/Upper Middle

Come Juneteenth by Ann Rinaldi

Stamped by Jason Reynolds and Ibram Kendi  (Also appropriate for many High School Youth)