Resources for Birth Mothers and Families
For some birth parents considering adoption, having limited available resources may be a major challenge in their lives and central in their decision-making as they navigate the choices ahead. If you are experiencing an unexpected pregnancy, the decision of whether or not to parent a child is a complex choice. Barker's pregnancy counselors are here to help.
In addition to compassionate and confidential counseling, The Barker Adoption Foundation helps connect birth parents like you with critical resources such as housing, food, and medical care. The needs of each expectant parent are different, and the term “resources,” of course, can mean something different to each birth parent Barker supports. Support would focus on counseling and navigating options that feel best for you and your baby for those with safe and stable living situations who have critical needs covered but do not feel ready to parent. For women who are facing the possibility of homelessness or who might be unable to work due to their pregnancy, Barker can explore housing options and related social services.
There is no “typical” birth parent and as such there’s no cookie-cutter approach to helping a birth parent consider her options. Barker works with each woman and family individually, tailoring a resource plan to meet specific needs.
We invite you to contact a Barker pregnancy counselor anytime, 24/7, if you would like to learn more.
Call Us: 1-888-731-6601
Text Us: 240-600-1106