Navigating The Home Study Process

Navigating the Home Study Process

Embarking on the journey of international adoption is a profound and life-changing experience. While it's filled with joy and excitement, it also involves several essential steps, one of the first and most important being the home study process. At The Barker Adoption Foundation, we understand the importance of this step and are here to support you through it. In this guide, we will walk you through everything you need to know about navigating the home study process for international adoption. 


Understanding the Home Study: A home study is a comprehensive assessment of your readiness to adopt a child, as well as a licensing of your physical address in your state of residence. It is required for all prospective adoptive parents, regardless of whether you're adopting domestically or internationally. The result is a document written by a Barker social worker that includes information drawn from interviews with you, the prospective parent(s), and supporting information provided by third parties. Here's what you should know: 

 The Purpose of a Home Study:

A home study evaluates your suitability to provide a safe, loving, and stable environment for a child. It ensures compliance with adoption regulations and guidelines in your state, from USCIS, and and in the child's birth country.

Choosing an Adoption Agency:

Selecting a reputable adoption agency like The Barker Adoption Foundation is your first step. An agency experienced in international adoption will help navigate the complex process with you. As a Hague accredited agency, Barker offers specific local home study and post-placement services to families living in Maryland, Virginia, and Washington, D.C.  In addition to our India program which we have been operating since 1988, Barker can help our local families explore adoption from ANY country! 

Preparing for the Home Study: 

In order to properly prepare for the home study, we recommend that you gather essential documents, such as birth certificates, marriage certificates, and financial statements. We also recommend identifying friends and family who can vouch for your character and parenting abilities and will be willing to provide a reference to that effect. Your home study agency’s role is to guide you through this paperwork collection process, and their staff will be available to answer any questions that arise during the home study process. 

The Home Visit: 

During the home study, an adoption social worker will visit your home to assess its safety and suitability for a child. The social worker needs to ensure your home is safe, and meets any specific requirements outlined by the agency or your state of residence. 

Interviews and Documentation: 

Be prepared for interviews with the social worker, where you'll discuss your motivations to adopt, parenting philosophies, and life experiences. You will be asked to provide necessary documents such as medical records, criminal background checks, and financial statements.  

Parent Education: 

All agencies, including Barker, require prospective adoptive parents to complete pre-adoption education and training to prepare for international adoption challenges. At Barker, this Pre-Adoption training is also referred to as NTDC. Pre-Adoption Training is intended to educate, support, and prepare families who will be adopting a child through the US foster care system, internationally or private domestic process. Families will enhance core competencies and gain skills to effectively parent children from a variety of different backgrounds, who have experienced trauma, separation and loss. Click here to register for our next Pre-Adoption training. 

The Evaluation: 

Following interviews, visits, and document verification, the social worker will compile the home study report. Once completed, Barker staff will review the report for accuracy, and work with the agency to address any concerns.  The family also has an opportunity to review the report prior to finalization to ensure accuracy of dates, names, etc. 

The Waiting Period: 

Once your home study is complete, you will begin or continue work on your dossier! Once you dossier is submitted, you will officially be waiting for a match with a child. This can be one of the most challenging parts of the process but stay patient and optimistic. Barker is here to support you every step of the way, including with our free Waiting Parent Meetings offered 6 times per year! 

The home study process is a critical step on your international adoption journey. At The Barker Adoption Foundation, we're here to support and guide you through every stage, from preparing for the home study to the moment you welcome your child into your loving home. 

Remember, the home study is not meant to be intimidating; it's an opportunity for you to demonstrate your readiness to provide a loving and stable environment for a child. Trust in the process, be open and honest, and don't hesitate to reach out to our experienced team at Barker for any guidance or assistance you may need. Your dream of international adoption is within reach, and we're here to make it a reality. 

 Ready to apply for your home study with Barker? Click here to submit your application today!