The Benefits of International Adoption: Changing Lives and Creating Loving Families

International Blog Post #3 (1)-2

International adoption is a unique journey that transforms the lives of both children and their adoptive families. It offers countless benefits, not only to the adopted child, but also to the adoptive parents and global community at large. In this blog post, we will explore the numerous benefits of international adoption, shedding light on how it changes lives and creates a loving environment for families.  


  1. Providing Children with an Opportunity to be Part of a Family 

Barker believes that all children have the right to a safe and loving family.  Keeping biological families together whenever possible is a priority for all countries who have signed on to the Hague convention, which includes the U.S.  Unfortunately, sometimes keeping a child with their family of origin is not possible.  When this is the case, countries often work to find adoptive families for children within their country of birth.  If this search is not successful, international adoption is pursued. In many countries, international adoption is the last chance a child has to be part of a family, and receive the love, support and resources that come with being part of a safe and stable household. One of the most significant benefits of international adoption is the opportunity it offers to children who may have limited access to education, healthcare, and a nurturing environment in their birth country. By adopting internationally, families open their hearts and homes to children who might otherwise face a future filled with uncertainty.  

  1. Creating Diverse and Inclusive Families

International adoption transcends geographical boundaries and cultural differences. It enables families to become more diverse and inclusive, enriching their lives through exposure to various cultures and traditions. This diversity helps broaden children’s perspectives and allows them to develop a global mindset from an early age. 

  1. Promoting Global Awareness and Understanding

Through International adoption, children and their adoptive families become ambassadors of cultural exchange and global awareness. They learn about different countries, languages, traditions, fostering empathy and a deeper understanding of the world. This firsthand experience can have a positive impact on the way adoptees view the world.  

  1. Bringing Joy and Fulfillment to Adoptive Parents

For many adoptive parents, international adoption fulfills their dreams of parenthood. It offers a unique way to grow a loving family and provide a home for a child in need. The journey can be challenging, but it is also profoundly rewarding, leading to lasting bonds and memories that span continents. 

  1. Fostering Resilience and Adaptability

International adoptees may often display resilience and adaptability. They must navigate the complexities of a life in a new country, language, and culture, which can help them develop strong problem-solving and coping skills. These traits can serve them well throughout their lives.  

  1. Building a Global Support Network

International adoptive families often form a close-knit community of support. They connect with others who share similar experiences and challenges, providing an invaluable network that can offer guidance, resources, and a sense of belonging. 

 International adoption has the power to change lives. It provides a path to a better future for children in need, enriches the lives of adoptive parents, fosters global understanding and more. The benefits of international adoption extend far beyond individual families, contributing to a more compassionate and interconnected world. If you are considering exploring international adoption, Barker can help you explore adoption from any country. Email us at: